When to switch car seats for your child

Switching your child from an infant to a convertible seat is a big milestone for any parent and it should not be overlooked. Car seats are essential for your child's safety, and it is important for caregivers to stay up-to-date on information and guidelines.

Some families choose to use a convertible car seat from the birth of their child, and others choose an infant seat for their newborns. If you are the latter family and are questioning when you should make the transition to a convertible car seat here is the information:

When should you make the switch?

While infant car seats have weight limits ranging from 22 to 35 pounds, nearly every baby is too tall before reaching the weight limit, especially for the seats with 30+ pound limits. It would be best if you familiarized yourself with your car seat’s height and weight requirements to ensure your child is riding safely.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends transitioning your baby from the infant seat to a rear-facing convertible seat once the child meets the minimum height or weight requirement for their infant seat. If a child is over the weight limit but still within the height limit, it is not safe to use the seat (and vice versa is also not safe). Once your child reaches one limit, they are too big.

To read the full article visit: VeryWellFamily – When to Switch From Infant Car Seat to a Convertible One

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